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New website & new shop!

  • Blog
  • 0:46 reading time (ish)
  • 148 words

Notice anything different? I have a brand new shiny website and an online shop!

How awesome is that?!

As much as I enjoy clicking around Etsy, I don’t see myself selling much (if anything) on there due to the small volume I work with.

My plan was to never really sell things online as I wanted to keep things simple. However! Past experiences (even the one market I’ve done so far) have shown me quite a few people like to visit and see the items, but purchase at a later date potentially.

This also gives me the opportunity to offer things like discounts and special offers – I also feel like I can keep working on this blog (occasionally) without spreading myself too thin.

I’m current on:

I also run a web agency that’s on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, it’s own website… That’s enough for me! 😀